Enneagram 101

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? Here’s your chance to learn more about who you are and why you do the things you do. Join us for an evening of learning more about the Enneagram.

The Enneagram is a centuries old modality with 9 different personality types. Learning
about these types not only help you know more about you but also about your spouse, coworkers,
family and your community members. 
Come and learn more about the fascinating personality typing.
Beth Gneiser is a certified life coach, enneagram coach and success coach. She has been a life long
learner of many different modalities including the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a personality typing
that is as simple or complex as a person chooses to learn it. It has nine different personality types and it
helps people learn more about themselves and the people around them. Beth teaches the Enneagram
and helps people identify their type through typing sessions. She also teaches it to individuals and
groups. Furthermore, she also loves to help people realize their lifelong dream through months to a
year-long project of accomplishing their dreams. People may have always wanted to start that business
or write a book that has been living inside of them all this time. Or whatever a bucket list holds for a
person, she helps people work through the process of realizing this dream. Beth rode her bike across
Alaska in 2003 and she uses the same process to help others do that one thing that will change their life
Grab your tickets and see more events happening at www.thebrightcenterco.com


Apr 09 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


The Bright Center
25577 Conifer Rd, Suite #202a, 2nd floor, Conifer, CO