MWinB Zoom Meeting – Connecting Focus and Emotions to Achieve Your Vision

Our Zoom speaker this month is Danelle Bartel

Inner Matrix Systems Trainer

About  Danelle – Danelle decided to pursue a career as an IMS trainer to pay it forward to as many people she can reach.  Her passion is to work with parents, young adults, business owners and anyone else who would like to live the life they have always dreamed possible.  Danelle offers in person classes in the mountain community of Jefferson County as well as virtual classes and one on one sessions.

The meeting format

We begin promptly at the designated start time, so please arrive a little early to visit and get settled in. Announcements will be given at the beginning of each meeting by the meeting leader. Each attendee will be given an opportunity to share a 30-second introduction about you and your business. Please be respectful of others by keeping your introduction short. Then we will hear from the speaker or presenter for the event.

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Book Event

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Available Tickets: Unlimited

Mountain Women in Business is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: MWinB - Connecting Focus and Emotions to Achieve Your Vision Time: Oct 15, 2024 08:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 0870 1137 One tap mobile +17193594580,,82408701137# US Meeting ID: 824 0870 1137 Find your local number:

The "RSVP" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
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Available Tickets: Unlimited
The "" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


Oct 15 2024


8:30 am - 9:30 am


Virtual Networking

