Hike and Meditate


The holidays are here and what better time to reset and recalibrate as we head into the New Year.

There are so many amazing benefits to connecting to your breath; nature and yourself.   We can become more aware of the transient thoughts that flow in and out of our conscious mind and in that awareness, we then have the choice to pay attention to them or not and decide are they in alignment with who we choose to be and how we choose to show up in the world.

So, take a deep breath – slow down – hit the rest button and make the choice to access greater states of peace and well-being as we head into Christmas and the New Year.  Join me for a refreshing, mindful walk in nature and the opportunity to connect to yourself and the world around you on December 4th at 10am at Pine Valley Ranch Park.

I’m setting the intention right now that the weather is going to be perfect!

Please RSVP by dropping me a quick email at [email protected] and see more info in the attached flyer

Hope to see you there!

Kathy McCrary

Life Coach; Energy Practitioner and Owner Gentle Emergence


Dec 04 2022


10:00 am - 11:00 am

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