Virtual Networking – Risk Management

Our Zoom speaker this month is  Kate McDonald. 

Kate McDonald is licensed to practice law in Colorado, Wyoming, and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. She advises and represents developers, builder/vendors, contractors and specialty subcontractors in various aspects of construction. She will present that when it comes to insurance, many times we are unaware of the importance of sufficient policy limits. The purpose of her presentation is not to sell any services, but rather, to educate the attendees to ensure they are taking steps to properly protect their business and, more importantly, themselves in a world that is getting more and more litigious.

The meeting format

We begin promptly at the designated start time, so please arrive a little early to visit and get settled in. Announcements will be given at the beginning of each meeting by the meeting leader. Please provide an announcement to the meeting leader in advance if you have anything you would like us to include in the announcements. Each attendee will be given an opportunity to share a 30-second introduction about you and your business. Please be respectful of others by keeping your introduction short. Then we will hear from the speaker or presenter for the event. There will be time for open networking after the speaker at our In-person events.


Oct 17 2023


8:30 am - 9:30 am


Virtual Networking

