Laura Sapenzia

MWInB Zoom Meeting – Why Diets Don’t Work

Our Zoom speaker this month is  member Laura Sapenzia – Why Diets Don’t Work and the Key to Lose Weight

Laura will talk about why strict dieting can actually cause weight issues, and how she teaches what the main reason for weight gain is, and a 5 step method which helps people to be more in charge of eating and to lose weight.

Laura is a Nationally Board Certified/Functional Medicine Health Coach and Certified Nutritionist – She specializes in helping women to finally lose their extra weight without strict dieting, but by conquering the emotional side of overeating and the physical cravings as well


Laura Sapienza

Laura Sapienza Health and Wellness Coaching

Specializing in Emotional Eating and Weight Loss



The meeting format

We begin promptly at the designated start time, so please arrive a little early to visit and get settled in. Announcements will be given at the beginning of each meeting by the meeting leader. Each attendee will be given an opportunity to share a 30-second introduction about you and your business. Please be respectful of others by keeping your introduction short. Then we will hear from the speaker or presenter for the event. There will be time for open networking after the speaker at our In-person events.



Apr 16 2024


8:30 am - 9:30 am


Virtual Networking

