Nicole Brokx: Founder of Years of Play

Nicole Brokx: Founder of Years of Play and Advocate for Eco-Friendly, Imaginative Childhoods

Meet Nicole Brokx, the creative force and dedicated mom behind Years of Play, an innovative toy company that’s redefining the way we think about playtime. As a mother of two energetic toddlers, Nicole knows firsthand the challenges of navigating the overwhelming world of children’s products. Her journey into entrepreneurship began with a simple, yet powerful goal: to curate a collection of toys that are not only fun and educational but also eco-friendly, safe, and built to last.

Nicole’s passion for high-quality, sustainable toys emerged from her personal experience as a parent. “After becoming a parent, I quickly learned how many products and toys are out there and struggled to find what fit best in our lifestyle,” she recalls. This struggle led to the creation of Years of Play, a brand that encourages imaginative play with toys that are safe for kids and kind to the planet.

At the heart of Years of Play is a commitment to quality and safety. Nicole has meticulously selected toys that meet the highest safety ratings and testing standards, ensuring that every product is something she feels good about giving to her own children. The majority of the brands she carries are from the US and Europe, with the few exceptions being those that are ethically and sustainably made overseas. For Nicole, it’s not just about selling toys; it’s about offering parents peace of mind and children the best possible tools for growth and learning.

“My goal with Years of Play is to show toys that are unique, built to last, and used for more than a small season of your parenting journey,” Nicole explains. She envisions a world where toys aren’t just fleeting distractions but are treasured companions that grow with children, inspiring them to explore, create, and imagine. Among her carefully curated selection are Montessori-inspired toys, backed by expert research, making them the perfect gifts for children who thrive on learning through play.

Years of Play is more than just a toy store; it’s a community of like-minded parents and small businesses united by a shared commitment to quality, sustainability, and the joy of play. Nicole’s dedication to supporting small business brands is evident in every product she offers, each one chosen for its craftsmanship, durability, and the good it brings to the world.

Navigating the Years of Play website is a breeze, thanks to its thoughtfully organized categories, age ranges, and brand selections. Nicole has made it easy for families and friends to find the perfect toy for the child in their life, whether they’re looking for something specific or seeking inspiration. And for those who need a little extra help, Nicole is always available to offer personalized suggestions, making the shopping experience as enjoyable and stress-free as possible.

Years of Play is a brand built on values—natural, organic materials, non-toxic finishes, and a commitment to sustainability in every aspect of the business. From recycled packing materials to plastic-free shipping, Nicole has ensured that every detail aligns with her vision of a better, greener future for our children.

Nicole Brokx isn’t just a business owner; she’s a mom on a mission. Through Years of Play, she’s giving parents the tools they need to foster creativity, imagination, and learning in their children, all while protecting the planet for future generations. With her unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability, Nicole is changing the way we think about toys—one playtime at a time.

